
TAFE NSW has been skilling the workforce of the future for over 130 years.

As Australia’s largest provider of vocational education and training, TAFE NSW delivers hundreds of practical, industry-relevant courses to meet labour demands and address skills shortages.

TAFE NSW offers a range of accredited and non-accredited short courses, traineeships and qualifications ranging from Certificates to Advanced Diplomas.

All delivered by an extensive network of qualified, specialist trainers and subject matter experts —onsite, online or on campus at more than 150 learning locations across NSW.

To help shape the future of Australian manufacturing, TAFE NSW is establishing Centres of Excellence in Manufacturing, connecting industry and education partners to deliver innovative Microskills, Microcredentials, and Higher Apprenticeships.

Three new Centres will be established at existing TAFE NSW campuses and will specialise in key areas:

  • Advanced Manufacturing in Western Sydney
  • Heavy Manufacturing in the Illawarra
  • Net Zero Manufacturing in Newcastle / Hunter region

The Centres of Excellence in Manufacturing is a joint initiative between the Australian Government and NSW Government under the National Skills Agreement.

Contact Details

Linda Johnston
Associate Director Engagement, Partnerships & Growth
0439 693 139
Visit Website