Mainteck Services Pty Ltd is a leading Illawarra-based provider of engineering related services to the process manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries, including steelmaking, cement and water supply.
With a history of involvement in process manufacturing spanning more than 30 years, Mainteck Services has built an enviable reputation for engineering excellence, reliability and innovation.
Our strengths lies in understanding your precise engineering requirements and being able to deliver to these requirements, safely and with quality assured.
Products And Services
Mainteck Services' engineers and technical staff work from two fully equipped workshops in the Illawarra region, offering a seamless engineering service. Our people are highly trained and follow the most stringent safety and quality standards.
Mainteck Services' long experience in a broad range of engineering projects means we have strong expertise in a number of key areas, including overhauling of large equipment, manufacture of large new items and assemblies, maintenance of Slab Caster moulds and segments and expertise in roll reclamation and fabrication.