DBC Group Australia

Asset Maintenance Industrial Services Rope Access Trades


At DBC, we demonstrate our commitment to safety everyday.

DBC is a well-established and reputable company that specialises in industrial rope access solutions. We have a proven ability to carry out high risk work safely, year after year.  Serving our customers with access and maintenance at height and in confined spaces.

Underpinned by IRATA member company certification and with over 25 years in the rope access business we can provide the assurance of a safe system of work.

Our experience spans petrochemical, water, roads, steel, cement, civil, resources and energy, tourist attractions, landmarks and the natural environment. We are vendors for Bluescope Steel, Rio Tinto, Boral, Visy, Viva Energy, Centennial Coal, CSIRO, WaterNSW, Bridgeclimb and many others.

Products And Services

Products And Services

Providing both the access and trade solution in one. Our range of services include: industrial rope access, rigging, integrated scaffold platforms, inspections (including NDT) and certifications, maintenance and remediation, rope access trades (boilermakers, fitters, carpenters, painters, blasters, electricians, mechanics, advanced riggers and scaffolders), all types of confined space work, hazard reductions and dropped object protection, environmental works/ devegetation, risk assessments, maintenance project management, plus shutdown for industry.

We also provide rope access training and certification, standby rescue services, confined space management and installation of height safety systems.


DBC’s status as an IRATA Operator Trainer member company means our customers can be assured our rope access technicians, management systems, equipment registers, training and safe work methods meet the highest international standard for rope access. Our IRATA certification is subject to independent audit and only companies with this certification are able to provide IRATA rope access training.

Watch out for the authentic IRATA member company logo if you want all of the assurances listed above.

The fact that DBC Group has been trusted by our clients for over 25 years demonstrates the quality of our people and the consistency of our service.

Talk to DBC about IRATA industrial rope access solutions. We are happy to answer your questions.

DBC’s management systems are certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality, OHS 45001: 2018 Safety and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental. DBC company certifications include IRATA, PCCP and global supply chain network A rated for Avetta and ISnetworld.

Please visit www.dbcgroup.com.au for more information


Contact Details

David Bell
Managing Director
0411 855 177
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